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Tag Archives: Art to license
You know that opticians now offer hearing aids as well as glasses........
.…..Well.….Vincent van Gogh wished they'd offered that service back in the day, when he nicked himself shaving! This is yet another of Miko's creations for his Greeting Card Range 'Artistic License'. Maybe its a while since you have visited … Continue reading
Dulwich Festival 2013: Miko's Open Studio and Cartoon Workshop
We have just had a couple of exhausting, but thoroughly enjoyable weekends. As part of the prestigious Dulwich Festival 20th Anniversary, I was asked to run a few cartoon workshops, to which I agreed. While I was at it, would … Continue reading
Ever nearly fallen asleep at the wheel? Too many of us have....
My latest commission was illustrating an article about taking your car abroad. This is an article for 'Motability Lifestyle', the motoring magazine for the disabled. Driving on foreign roads is tough enough for the able bodied.Yet another reason to be … Continue reading