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Tag Archives: humour
Dulwich Books has done it again!!
Gosh they are good!! I was creating my socks off on yet another image of genius for another lucky client, when.….KERPLONK and P'CHING! My computer was alerting me to the arrival of an email. You would think that noise would get … Continue reading
I see Sir John Major is back in the limelight, which is great because....
Sir John Major states 'energy companies should be hit by a 'Windfall' tax' Which is very green of him! Apart from that opportunity for a bit of mirth. I say great because, it gives me a good excuse to bring out a … Continue reading
Another illustration for 'Lifestyle' and Rory Mackenzie's article
One just has to have huge respect and admiration for action man Rory Mackenzie, the author of the main article in this month's 'Lifestyle Magazine'. He was serving as a medic in Iraq when a road side bomb blew off … Continue reading
This Film Demonstrates the Natural Camouflage of our Deer. See if you can Spot the Deer.
We put it to the test. Proof, if needed, of the amazing camouflage abilities of our deer
Stringer's great cartoon for The Funny Times....
This Stringer cartoon was published in the very funny (oddly enough!!) The Funny Times and posted to me in Facebook. I just couldn't resist adding my own little contribution.
Take five, you deserve it. 'Let us do the Creative Work for you'
Hi Go on, give yourself a break. Take a quick look at Galleries FIVE and SIX. You'll enjoy them as much as your customers will. And all you've got to do is license our images, sit back and watch the money pour in. … Continue reading
It's Been a Loooooooong Time!
Sorry for the shameful delay in updating my blog!!! Lot's of new and interesting things going on. I'll go into details in my next posting, I just need to get this to you at least before 2012. So, here is … Continue reading