You know that opticians now offer hearing aids as well as glasses........

.…..Well.….Vincent van Gogh wished they'd offered that ser­vice back in the day, when he nicked him­self shav­ing!

Caption: Rather carelessly, Vincent van Gogh had forgotten that ears aren't only for hearing!

Cap­tion: 'Rather care­lessly, Vin­cent van Gogh had for­got­ten that ears aren't only for hear­ing!' Click on image to enlarge.


This is yet anoth­er of Miko's cre­ations for his Greet­ing Card Range 'Artist­ic License'.

Maybe its a while since you have vis­ited or you have the pleas­ure to come. Loads of dif­fer­ent, fab styles and great ideas, where you can pur­chase on line Miko's Art Prints and Greet­ings Cards.

What are you wait­ing for? See you there and look out for REGULAR OFFERS!.

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