Category Archives: On the Drawing Board

Oi! Look at me!

Excuse me! Mar­ket­ing doesn't have to be rude. But it's dif­fi­cult for we Brits., who have been brought up 'Not to show off!' So I've invited, back from the dead, for one day only: "Wal­ter Mat­thau' a gen­tle­man and a funny man. … Con­tin­ue read­ing

Aint that just typical ????......

No, but isn't it though?  I send out a well planned and pre­pared, expens­ive email mar­ket­ing shot.….…. …AND EVERYONE IS WORKING FROM HOME!!!  (Me too of course and please excuse my intru­sion!!! BUT I did not like my pre­vi­ous illo. So I … Con­tin­ue read­ing

Game SET and match!!

You know how it is! You leave your home for your annu­al hol­i­day, in the cap­able-not- hands of your lovely neigh­bours… Return to find Mr and Mrs Badger and cubs have taken over the garden!!! Mind you the garden is … Con­tin­ue read­ing

Hi Old Friends and New Friends.

 Today is a very spe­cial day for Miko Illus­tra­tion.  We launch the new look www.miko-illustration site! It's not 100% fin­ished, but there again noth­ing good ever is. So put on your specs, plug in your head­phones and take a walk around … Con­tin­ue read­ing

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Puuuurrrrrfect Partneeeerrrrrs......

What a life!!! Ped­alling along a quiet coun­try lane, with your loved one. Lying in the shad­ow of a grand old oak tree enjoy­ing your pic­nic by the mean­der­ing brook. Puuuurrrrrfect! There! You expec­ted me to say some­thing funny! Well … Con­tin­ue read­ing

Caption: Rather carelessly, Vincent van Gogh had forgotten that ears aren't only for hearing!

You know that opticians now offer hearing aids as well as glasses........

.…..Well.….Vincent van Gogh wished they'd offered that ser­vice back in the day, when he nicked him­self shav­ing!   This is yet anoth­er of Miko's cre­ations for his Greet­ing Card Range 'Artist­ic License'. Maybe its a while since you have vis­ited … Con­tin­ue read­ing

You planting some seeds? Oh Boy! Oh Boy! Oh Boy!!

Hey! Lookout you lovely gardeners out there!!!! For the 'Not so Slow Snail!' is.......

.….…BEHIND YOU!!!!!!!

I am so happy we are linked peeps

You 'Lovely Linkedin Linker' Peeps

I was just about to just click the auto thanks reply to those lovely Peeps, when I was inter­rup­ted by a herd of Gnu crash­ing through the stu­dio. On their way, I guess, to green­er pas­tures. Mind you that's the … Con­tin­ue read­ing

Just take it one step at a time. Sensible advice for all of us.

No rush! No pan­ic! Do what you can, sit back and enjoy and when you are ready, do a little bit more. Rory Mack­en­zies' advice for garden­ers, dis­abled or not, makes a lot of sense.