We have just had a couple of exhausting, but thoroughly enjoyable weekends. As part of the prestigious Dulwich Festival 20th Anniversary, I was asked to run a few cartoon workshops, to which I agreed. While I was at it, would I like to participate in their Open Studio Event? Mouth said 'Yes!', brain said ' What the .…. have I let myself in for?????'
I am very busy with commissions and my own creations, to take on any extra work. BUT, as so often happens with those things one is dreading, it turned out to be great fun and very beneficial. It was very useful to see what sold and what took the public's interest. I am now developing a new range on the back of one bird character illustration.
You can watch Dulwich Festival 20th Anniversary – Miko's Open Studio on YouTube or view and enjoy it below:
I have now had printed a limited number of my favourite images. They are on Very High Quality Archival Paper lasting generations, using Light Resistant Inks, printed by an absolute craftsman, one Christopher Clack of Dulwich Prints and Printing. He is a great artist in his own right, well worth looking out for.
I will be adding a shop to this site very soon, so you lucky people out there will be able to purchase my work with ease.