Dulwich Festival 2013: Miko's Open Studio and Cartoon Workshop

We have just had a couple of exhaust­ing, but thor­oughly enjoy­able week­ends. As part of the pres­ti­gi­ous Dul­wich Fest­iv­al 20th Anniversary, I was asked to run a few car­toon work­shops, to which I agreed. While I was at it, would I like to par­ti­cip­ate in their Open Stu­dio Event? Mouth said 'Yes!', brain said ' What the .…. have I let myself in for?????'

I am very busy with com­mis­sions and my own cre­ations, to take on any extra work. BUT, as so often hap­pens with those things one is dread­ing, it turned out to be great fun and very bene­fi­cial. It was very use­ful to see what sold and what took the public's interest. I am now devel­op­ing a new range on the back of one bird char­ac­ter illus­tra­tion.

You can watch Dul­wich Fest­iv­al 20th Anniversary – Miko's Open Stu­dio on You­Tube or view and enjoy it below:

I have now had prin­ted a lim­ited num­ber of my favour­ite images. They are on Very High Qual­ity Archiv­al Paper last­ing gen­er­a­tions, using Light Res­ist­ant Inks, prin­ted by an abso­lute crafts­man, one Chris­toph­er Clack of Dul­wich Prints and Print­ing. He is a great artist in his own right, well worth look­ing out for.

I will be adding a shop to this site very soon, so you lucky people out there will be able to pur­chase my work with ease.


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