Category Archives: Greeting cards

Examples of greet­ings cards done for fun, for cli­ents, or avail­able for licens­ing.

The Contented Scarecrow Concerto

Any Birthdays coming up, or a bare wall that would benefit from a smile?

Well, just click around the corner and you can take a stroll around Miko's gal­ler­ies and buy his wall art and greet­ings cards. It's worth the walk.

Two new illustrations, I'm pleased with. What do you think?

These 2 illus­tra­tions are of, yours truly, 'Moi!' Miko and my eld­er son, Toby, the pho­to­graph­er. I cre­ated them for our 'About Us' page on the brand new Miko greet­ings card and art print site.       Feel free to be … Con­tin­ue read­ing

List of Greetings Card Publishers from Kate Harper Design

Hi Folks. Well, Kate Harp­er has done it again… Keep­ing us pos­ted with her latest greet­ings card updates. This time its an update on who to sub­mit our work to. Back in 2009 she pos­ted a list of greet­ings card pub­lish­ers … Con­tin­ue read­ing

Unfortunately for Erik, his birthday cake candle trick suddenly backfired on him!

Is my latest funny card design too risqué?

Always dif­fi­cult to decide when you are up and per­son­al in cre­at­ing an idea. I would be very inter­ested to know what you all think. To pub­lish or not to pub­lish? I'll let you know the out­come. Between you and me … Con­tin­ue read­ing

Take five, you deserve it. 'Let us do the Creative Work for you'

Hi Go on, give your­self a break. Take a quick look at Gal­ler­ies FIVE and SIX. You'll enjoy them as much as your cus­tom­ers will. And all you've got to do is license our images, sit back and watch the money pour in. … Con­tin­ue read­ing

Great New Images in Gallery SIX

This is my latest col­our­ful, fun range designed and licensed to a cli­ent. I can design one for you and your lucky cus­tom­ers. Gal­lery SIX, great let­ter­ing, great pat­terns, great char­ac­ters I like the style and I think your cus­tom­ers … Con­tin­ue read­ing

So many Questions... ?

Gallery Three and a Half Changed

Just thought I would change Gal­lery Three and a Half. I wasn't espe­cially keen on it and it didn't exactly give you much of an option to license the images. I guess I just wanted to put up a few … Con­tin­ue read­ing

Check out Miko's latest Galleries

You know, I'm nuts! I spent hours cre­at­ing three posts to invite you to our 3 gal­ler­ies. What a ter­rible waste of time, when I would make bet­ter use of my time cre­at­ing brillo images for you to license It … Con­tin­ue read­ing

It's your Birthday! Chill! Relax! Take it easy! Spoil yourself! ...

Check out the new Gallery THREE

Some great new art works by the team await your view­ing at Gal­lery THREE , you'll not be dis­ap­poin­ted, prom­ise. A whole bunch of dif­fer­ent ranges, dif­fer­ent styles, dif­fer­ent emo­tions. So if you like a par­tic­u­lar image let us know … Con­tin­ue read­ing