Tag Archives: stylish

Charlie Chaplin...

…I won­der what he was like to work with. Pretty much a per­fec­tion­ist I guess, and there­fore per­haps not a happy atmo­sphere in the stu­dio? Four mar­riages, that's enough to put one in a bad mood and elev­en chil­dren and … Con­tin­ue read­ing

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Who ever heard of a steam propelled paraglider?

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I have and Life­style magazine and James Young has now!  (Please click on thumb­nail to enjoy the com­plete  full size image) 'It's great thanks, a crack­ing job once again.' Thanks James Young, art dir­ect­or of Big World Wide Pub­lish­ing.

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Do you know a sick little someone?

Put a little smile on their face, cheer them up send them this Miko car­toon. This is a very quick sketch using Sketch­book Pro. A great pro­gramme, espe­cially for quick pen­cil roughs. Does any­one else use it? 

'Scaramanga!' What a great name and what a great Marketing Company!

A while back I was lucky enough to be asked to come up with some fun and mem­or­able images for Scaramanga's pub­li­city. What a won­der­ful cli­ent to have, know­ing exactly what they want, yet open to new ideas, new approaches, … Con­tin­ue read­ing

Caricature of Sir John Major

I see Sir John Major is back in the limelight, which is great because....

Sir John Major states 'energy com­pan­ies should be hit by a 'Wind­fall' tax' Which is very green of him! Apart from that oppor­tun­ity for a bit of mirth. I say great because, it gives me a good excuse to bring out a … Con­tin­ue read­ing

Another illustration for 'Lifestyle' and Rory Mackenzie's article

One just has to have huge respect and admir­a­tion for action man Rory Mack­en­zie, the author of the main art­icle in this month's 'Life­style Magazine'. He was serving as a med­ic in Iraq when a road side bomb blew off … Con­tin­ue read­ing

Ever nearly fallen asleep at the wheel? Too many of us have....

My latest com­mis­sion was illus­trat­ing an art­icle about tak­ing your car abroad. This is an art­icle for 'Mot­ab­il­ity Life­style', the motor­ing magazine for the dis­abled. Driv­ing on for­eign roads is tough enough for the able bodied.Yet anoth­er reas­on to be … Con­tin­ue read­ing

First it was 'Space Critters!' and now it's a Baby Alien!

You may remem­ber the sur­prise I had one recent morn­ing, when I awoke to find a chat­ter­ing (whatever the col­lect­ive noun is!) of Space Crit­ters on my draw­ing board. Well it's happened again!! I am work­ing on a cute baby fun … Con­tin­ue read­ing

A new 'communications' illustration for the web

I cre­ated this illus­tra­tion for the 'con­tact us' page for a new web site. Again, a dif­fer­ent style which I think would make a great image for a greet­ings card, cloth­ing etc. Using a dif­fer­ent image to a type­writer and dif­fer­ent appro­pri­ate … Con­tin­ue read­ing