Tag Archives: zany

Who ever heard of a steam propelled paraglider?

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I have and Life­style magazine and James Young has now!  (Please click on thumb­nail to enjoy the com­plete  full size image) 'It's great thanks, a crack­ing job once again.' Thanks James Young, art dir­ect­or of Big World Wide Pub­lish­ing.

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'Scaramanga!' What a great name and what a great Marketing Company!

A while back I was lucky enough to be asked to come up with some fun and mem­or­able images for Scaramanga's pub­li­city. What a won­der­ful cli­ent to have, know­ing exactly what they want, yet open to new ideas, new approaches, … Con­tin­ue read­ing

First it was 'Space Critters!' and now it's a Baby Alien!

You may remem­ber the sur­prise I had one recent morn­ing, when I awoke to find a chat­ter­ing (whatever the col­lect­ive noun is!) of Space Crit­ters on my draw­ing board. Well it's happened again!! I am work­ing on a cute baby fun … Con­tin­ue read­ing

Yipee! It's Your Birthday!