Category Archives: Illustration

Examples of illus­tra­tions done for fun, for cli­ents, or avail­able for licens­ing.

Oi! Look at me!

Excuse me! Mar­ket­ing doesn't have to be rude. But it's dif­fi­cult for we Brits., who have been brought up 'Not to show off!' So I've invited, back from the dead, for one day only: "Wal­ter Mat­thau' a gen­tle­man and a funny man. … Con­tin­ue read­ing

Game SET and match!!

You know how it is! You leave your home for your annu­al hol­i­day, in the cap­able-not- hands of your lovely neigh­bours… Return to find Mr and Mrs Badger and cubs have taken over the garden!!! Mind you the garden is … Con­tin­ue read­ing

Hi Old Friends and New Friends.

 Today is a very spe­cial day for Miko Illus­tra­tion.  We launch the new look www.miko-illustration site! It's not 100% fin­ished, but there again noth­ing good ever is. So put on your specs, plug in your head­phones and take a walk around … Con­tin­ue read­ing

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Map Reading for Beginners

One of many magazine illus­tra­tions. Just give me your text and size of illo and KERPOW!!! BOING!!! There it is!!

I am so happy we are linked peeps

You 'Lovely Linkedin Linker' Peeps

I was just about to just click the auto thanks reply to those lovely Peeps, when I was inter­rup­ted by a herd of Gnu crash­ing through the stu­dio. On their way, I guess, to green­er pas­tures. Mind you that's the … Con­tin­ue read­ing

I take my humourous illustrations as seriously as I do my serious illustrations

It's very odd,creating an idea and an image which make people laugh, is actu­ally taken very ser­i­ously. Not a smile comes to my little face, while I'm work­ing on what will make my audi­ence smile. This is one of my vari­ous … Con­tin­ue read­ing

Two new illustrations, I'm pleased with. What do you think?

These 2 illus­tra­tions are of, yours truly, 'Moi!' Miko and my eld­er son, Toby, the pho­to­graph­er. I cre­ated them for our 'About Us' page on the brand new Miko greet­ings card and art print site.       Feel free to be … Con­tin­ue read­ing