Tag Archives: Topical Cartoon

Award winning Dulwich Books

It seems that my favour­ite book­shop, Dul­wich Books, is not only my favour­ite Inde­pend­ent Book­shop, it is also the favour­ite in the whole of the Great Bri­tain and Ire­land. Own­er Sheila O'Reilly and the team, went to the The Book­seller Industry … Con­tin­ue read­ing

Dulwich Books has done it again!!

Gosh they are good!! I was cre­at­ing my socks off on yet anoth­er image of geni­us for anoth­er lucky cli­ent, when.….KERPLONK and P'CHING! My com­puter was alert­ing me to the arrival of an email. You would think that noise would get … Con­tin­ue read­ing

Caricature of Sir John Major

I see Sir John Major is back in the limelight, which is great because....

Sir John Major states 'energy com­pan­ies should be hit by a 'Wind­fall' tax' Which is very green of him! Apart from that oppor­tun­ity for a bit of mirth. I say great because, it gives me a good excuse to bring out a … Con­tin­ue read­ing

Stringer's great cartoon for The Funny Times....

This Stringer car­toon was pub­lished in the very funny (oddly enough!!) The Funny Times and pos­ted to me in Face­book. I just couldn't res­ist adding my own little con­tri­bu­tion.