Tag Archives: animated cartoon

Ever nearly fallen asleep at the wheel? Too many of us have....

My latest com­mis­sion was illus­trat­ing an art­icle about tak­ing your car abroad. This is an art­icle for 'Mot­ab­il­ity Life­style', the motor­ing magazine for the dis­abled. Driv­ing on for­eign roads is tough enough for the able bodied.Yet anoth­er reas­on to be … Con­tin­ue read­ing

This Film Demonstrates the Natural Camouflage of our Deer. See if you can Spot the Deer.

We put it to the test. Proof, if needed, of the amaz­ing cam­ou­flage abil­it­ies of our deer

There is an Abundance of Nature Films. But None Like this...

This the first of a series of a few.….….closely observed films about deer. Our first was obvi­ously filmed in the UK. Enjoy.… Respect for the cam­eraper­son who risked get­ting a nasty cold