Tag Archives: Open Studios

Brilliant! Another year another Dulwich Open Studio! Welcome.

Bril­liant!! Anoth­er year, anoth­er Open Stu­dio. If you are a neigh­bour, pop on round, just say Hi, you don't have to buy! But we don't mind if you do. If  you travel from dis­tant parts, pop on round, say 'Hi!' We … Con­tin­ue read­ing

Dulwich Festival 2013: Miko's Open Studio and Cartoon Workshop

We have just had a couple of exhaust­ing, but thor­oughly enjoy­able week­ends. As part of the pres­ti­gi­ous Dul­wich Fest­iv­al 20th Anniversary, I was asked to run a few car­toon work­shops, to which I agreed. While I was at it, would … Con­tin­ue read­ing