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Tag Archives: cartoon animals
Hey! Lookout you lovely gardeners out there!!!! For the 'Not so Slow Snail!' is.......
.….…BEHIND YOU!!!!!!!
Wishing you Guys and Guyesses a Magical Christmas and Fun and Funny New Year
For all you lovely peeps out there, all those I know and all those peeps I hope to know. Love and Peace to you, your families, your friends and your neighbours.
This Film Demonstrates the Natural Camouflage of our Deer. See if you can Spot the Deer.
We put it to the test. Proof, if needed, of the amazing camouflage abilities of our deer
There is an Abundance of Nature Films. But None Like this...
This the first of a series of a few.….….closely observed films about deer. Our first was obviously filmed in the UK. Enjoy.… Respect for the cameraperson who risked getting a nasty cold