Tag Archives: funny

Charlie Chaplin...

…I won­der what he was like to work with. Pretty much a per­fec­tion­ist I guess, and there­fore per­haps not a happy atmo­sphere in the stu­dio? Four mar­riages, that's enough to put one in a bad mood and elev­en chil­dren and … Con­tin­ue read­ing

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You planting some seeds? Oh Boy! Oh Boy! Oh Boy!!

Hey! Lookout you lovely gardeners out there!!!! For the 'Not so Slow Snail!' is.......

.….…BEHIND YOU!!!!!!!

The Contented Scarecrow Concerto

Any Birthdays coming up, or a bare wall that would benefit from a smile?

Well, just click around the corner and you can take a stroll around Miko's gal­ler­ies and buy his wall art and greet­ings cards. Miko-Greetings.com It's worth the walk.

I take my humourous illustrations as seriously as I do my serious illustrations

It's very odd,creating an idea and an image which make people laugh, is actu­ally taken very ser­i­ously. Not a smile comes to my little face, while I'm work­ing on what will make my audi­ence smile. This is one of my vari­ous … Con­tin­ue read­ing

Wishing you Guys and Guyesses a Magical Christmas and Fun and Funny New Year

For all you lovely peeps out there, all those I know and all those peeps I hope to know. Love and Peace to you, your fam­il­ies, your friends and your neigh­bours.

Can't Draw? Can Draw!

This post is addressed to Moms and Pops, Grans and Gramps etc etc or any­one who knows of a young eager artist who wants to learn more. Or per­haps a young eager artist with little con­fid­ence in their cre­at­ive achieve­ments. Well looky … Con­tin­ue read­ing

Award winning Dulwich Books

It seems that my favour­ite book­shop, Dul­wich Books, is not only my favour­ite Inde­pend­ent Book­shop, it is also the favour­ite in the whole of the Great Bri­tain and Ire­land. Own­er Sheila O'Reilly and the team, went to the The Book­seller Industry … Con­tin­ue read­ing

This Film Demonstrates the Natural Camouflage of our Deer. See if you can Spot the Deer.

We put it to the test. Proof, if needed, of the amaz­ing cam­ou­flage abil­it­ies of our deer

There is an Abundance of Nature Films. But None Like this...

This the first of a series of a few.….….closely observed films about deer. Our first was obvi­ously filmed in the UK. Enjoy.… Respect for the cam­eraper­son who risked get­ting a nasty cold

Stringer's great cartoon for The Funny Times....

This Stringer car­toon was pub­lished in the very funny (oddly enough!!) The Funny Times and pos­ted to me in Face­book. I just couldn't res­ist adding my own little con­tri­bu­tion.