Ever nearly fallen asleep at the wheel? Too many of us have....

My latest com­mis­sion was illus­trat­ing an art­icle about tak­ing your car abroad. This is an art­icle for 'Mot­ab­il­ity Life­style', the motor­ing magazine for the dis­abled.

Driv­ing on for­eign roads is tough enough for the able bodied.Yet anoth­er reas­on to be very thank­ful.

The cli­ent asked for full col­our art­work, which is great, I like work­ing in col­our.  But then I thought I'd take a look at a black and white ver­sion of the illus­tra­tions. I don't know about you but I think they look pretty darn good. Moody, atmo­spher­ic if you like. Just like the good old black and white movies back in the day and some­times used today with great effect. 'The Artist' a great example.


I really would appre­ci­ate your thoughts on this. Which do you prefer? Black and White? or Col­our?










I know we all like col­our com­mis­sions but which do you prefer in this edit­or­i­al, col­our or black and white?

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2 Responses to Ever nearly fallen asleep at the wheel? Too many of us have....

  1. Toby says:

    I love the col­our ones. The black and white ones are a great altern­at­ive, but the images are mod­ern and quirky, and I think the col­our suits them.

    • Miko says:

      Thanks Toby. Yes I tend to go for the col­our, but I'm pleased how the black and white looks.