Category Archives: Greetings from Miko

Christ­mas, New Year's, and oth­er types of wishes and greet­ings from me to my web­site vis­it­ors

Wishing you Guys and Guyesses a Magical Christmas and Fun and Funny New Year

For all you lovely peeps out there, all those I know and all those peeps I hope to know. Love and Peace to you, your fam­il­ies, your friends and your neigh­bours.

Award winning Dulwich Books

It seems that my favour­ite book­shop, Dul­wich Books, is not only my favour­ite Inde­pend­ent Book­shop, it is also the favour­ite in the whole of the Great Bri­tain and Ire­land. Own­er Sheila O'Reilly and the team, went to the The Book­seller Industry … Con­tin­ue read­ing

Wishing you and your loved ones...

    … a Magic­al Christ­mas and Health, Wealth and Hap­pi­ness for 2014. Here is a little some­thing espe­cially for you. Miko's 2013 Christ­mas Card, just for you… . 

Wishing you all the Happiest of Happy New Years in 2013

Well, I hope you are all suit­ably stuffed and sati­ated over the Christ­mas fest­iv­it­ies! The one time of the year we can get away with a little over­in­dul­gence. The only excess we can and should enjoy over the rest of … Con­tin­ue read­ing

#1 - The Banks #2 - "How did he get there?" #3 - "He always wins, whatever the result!" (Boo! Villain! Cheat! Scoundrel! Hiss! Booooo! Disgraceful! Shame! Unfair!)

It's Been a Loooooooong Time!

Sorry for the shame­ful delay in updat­ing my blog!!! Lot's of new and inter­est­ing things going on. I'll go into details in my next post­ing, I just need to get this to you at least before 2012. So, here is … Con­tin­ue read­ing


Have a won­der­fully fant­asmagor­ic­al year. I know I mean to.

OK! I accept a coalition! But at least you could all pull in the same direction!!

Wishing you all......

.….a super, donk­ing, ponk­ing, splendi­fer­ousi­o­s­ness Christ­mas.