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Category Archives: Cartoons
Game SET and match!!
You know how it is! You leave your home for your annual holiday, in the capable-not- hands of your lovely neighbours… Return to find Mr and Mrs Badger and cubs have taken over the garden!!! Mind you the garden is … Continue reading
Map Reading for Beginners
One of many magazine illustrations. Just give me your text and size of illo and KERPOW!!! BOING!!! There it is!!
Hey! Lookout you lovely gardeners out there!!!! For the 'Not so Slow Snail!' is.......
.….…BEHIND YOU!!!!!!!
You 'Lovely Linkedin Linker' Peeps
I was just about to just click the auto thanks reply to those lovely Peeps, when I was interrupted by a herd of Gnu crashing through the studio. On their way, I guess, to greener pastures. Mind you that's the … Continue reading
I take my humourous illustrations as seriously as I do my serious illustrations
It's very odd,creating an idea and an image which make people laugh, is actually taken very seriously. Not a smile comes to my little face, while I'm working on what will make my audience smile. This is one of my various … Continue reading
Get to know your audience.....
When you work with a magazine for a while you get to know what illustration content will be acceptable to the editor, art director and readers. In other words you get to know your audience. So Rory Mackenzie's article is … Continue reading
I had to make a comment in support of Freedom of the Press and of Speech!
Wednesday 7th January 2015 was a shocking day for Paris and Freedom of the Press. This is my contribution in support.
Can't Draw? Can Draw!
This post is addressed to Moms and Pops, Grans and Gramps etc etc or anyone who knows of a young eager artist who wants to learn more. Or perhaps a young eager artist with little confidence in their creative achievements. Well looky … Continue reading
Award winning Dulwich Books
It seems that my favourite bookshop, Dulwich Books, is not only my favourite Independent Bookshop, it is also the favourite in the whole of the Great Britain and Ireland. Owner Sheila O'Reilly and the team, went to the The Bookseller Industry … Continue reading
Do you know a sick little someone?
Put a little smile on their face, cheer them up send them this Miko cartoon. This is a very quick sketch using Sketchbook Pro. A great programme, especially for quick pencil roughs. Does anyone else use it?
Dulwich Books has done it again!!
Gosh they are good!! I was creating my socks off on yet another image of genius for another lucky client, when.….KERPLONK and P'CHING! My computer was alerting me to the arrival of an email. You would think that noise would get … Continue reading