Category Archives: Cartoons

Examples of daily car­toons, strip car­toons, and car­toon char­ac­ters, done for fun, for cli­ents, or avail­able for licens­ing.

Game SET and match!!

You know how it is! You leave your home for your annu­al hol­i­day, in the cap­able-not- hands of your lovely neigh­bours… Return to find Mr and Mrs Badger and cubs have taken over the garden!!! Mind you the garden is … Con­tin­ue read­ing

Map Reading for Beginners

One of many magazine illus­tra­tions. Just give me your text and size of illo and KERPOW!!! BOING!!! There it is!!

You planting some seeds? Oh Boy! Oh Boy! Oh Boy!!

Hey! Lookout you lovely gardeners out there!!!! For the 'Not so Slow Snail!' is.......

.….…BEHIND YOU!!!!!!!

I am so happy we are linked peeps

You 'Lovely Linkedin Linker' Peeps

I was just about to just click the auto thanks reply to those lovely Peeps, when I was inter­rup­ted by a herd of Gnu crash­ing through the stu­dio. On their way, I guess, to green­er pas­tures. Mind you that's the … Con­tin­ue read­ing

I take my humourous illustrations as seriously as I do my serious illustrations

It's very odd,creating an idea and an image which make people laugh, is actu­ally taken very ser­i­ously. Not a smile comes to my little face, while I'm work­ing on what will make my audi­ence smile. This is one of my vari­ous … Con­tin­ue read­ing

Get to know your audience.....

When you work with a magazine for a while you get to know what illus­tra­tion con­tent will be accept­able to the edit­or, art dir­ect­or and read­ers. In oth­er words you get to know your audi­ence. So Rory Mackenzie's art­icle is … Con­tin­ue read­ing

I had to make a comment in support of Freedom of the Press and of Speech!

Wed­nes­day 7th Janu­ary 2015 was a shock­ing day for Par­is and Free­dom of the Press. This is my con­tri­bu­tion in sup­port.

Can't Draw? Can Draw!

This post is addressed to Moms and Pops, Grans and Gramps etc etc or any­one who knows of a young eager artist who wants to learn more. Or per­haps a young eager artist with little con­fid­ence in their cre­at­ive achieve­ments. Well looky … Con­tin­ue read­ing

Award winning Dulwich Books

It seems that my favour­ite book­shop, Dul­wich Books, is not only my favour­ite Inde­pend­ent Book­shop, it is also the favour­ite in the whole of the Great Bri­tain and Ire­land. Own­er Sheila O'Reilly and the team, went to the The Book­seller Industry … Con­tin­ue read­ing

Do you know a sick little someone?

Put a little smile on their face, cheer them up send them this Miko car­toon. This is a very quick sketch using Sketch­book Pro. A great pro­gramme, espe­cially for quick pen­cil roughs. Does any­one else use it? 

Dulwich Books has done it again!!

Gosh they are good!! I was cre­at­ing my socks off on yet anoth­er image of geni­us for anoth­er lucky cli­ent, when.….KERPLONK and P'CHING! My com­puter was alert­ing me to the arrival of an email. You would think that noise would get … Con­tin­ue read­ing