Tag Archives: Art Gallery Humour

Charlie Chaplin...

…I won­der what he was like to work with. Pretty much a per­fec­tion­ist I guess, and there­fore per­haps not a happy atmo­sphere in the stu­dio? Four mar­riages, that's enough to put one in a bad mood and elev­en chil­dren and … Con­tin­ue read­ing

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Charlie Chaplin caricature

Dulwich Books has done it again!!

Gosh they are good!! I was cre­at­ing my socks off on yet anoth­er image of geni­us for anoth­er lucky cli­ent, when.….KERPLONK and P'CHING! My com­puter was alert­ing me to the arrival of an email. You would think that noise would get … Con­tin­ue read­ing