Another illustration for 'Lifestyle' and Rory Mackenzie's article

One just has to have huge respect and admir­a­tion for action man Rory Mack­en­zie, the author of the main art­icle in this month's 'Life­style Magazine'. He was serving as a med­ic in Iraq when a road side bomb blew off his leg. Rather than giv­ing up he has had many more adven­tures than most of us would only dream of.

An adventure starts with one small step.

An adven­ture starts with one small step.


His art­icle this month refers to the chal­lenges in life. How, no mat­ter how big or small, they all require the same amount of com­mit­ment and drive. The end res­ult giv­ing equal amounts of sat­is­fac­tion and sense of achieve­ment and yet anoth­er adven­ture.


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