The wild animals you find on your next safari are more sophisticated than you imagine! Read on...

It may be of interest to you peeps, to know how I work on an illus­tra­tion. Of course, if you're not inter­ested you can just view the first, fin­ished image, and then close the slideshow.

Click on the thumb­nails to enlarge the image:

et voila! The finished art

et voila! The fin­ished art






If you'd like to see more of how I work and how you can devel­op your own draw­ing skills, check out my Cre­at­ive Car­toon Club . I run 'Can't Draw, Can Draw!' work­shops and pro­gress­ive work­shops for those who want to devel­op their art, but don't know how.

PS My work­shops are all great fun. Nobody is made to feel bad about their work, only good.

This entry was posted in Galleries, Illustration, Miko's work, On the Drawing Board. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to The wild animals you find on your next safari are more sophisticated than you imagine! Read on...

  1. Miko, I abso­lutely love your draw­ing style! I love see­ing now oth­ers work too. I have a sim­il­ar pro­cess to yours, so now I feel bet­ter for some reas­on ha. You are so tal­en­ted! You're gen­er­ous to show us how you work.

    • Miko says:

      Hi Leslie and how won­der­fully kind you are. Yes its import­ant look­ing at oth­ers work, one can learn a great deal. In my work­shops for the new cre­at­ive I always main­tain actu­al copy­ing is good, as longs as its not repro­duced as their own!! But this is how we learn to talk, mim­ick­ing, copy­ing. Then patiently work at devel­op­ing ones own per­son­al cre­ativ­ity. I'm glad we share the same meth­od. From pen­cil to fin­ished art, its the only way I know ;-). As you know we have to work very hard at tal­ent and as far as gen­er­ous, not really, its import­ant for me to get feed back. Keep in touch, I'd like to see your work if I may.