I get 10 'Buzzes' Creating an Illustration!


What a Buzz!

What a Buzz!

I was inspired to post this after hav­ing received an email from an Art Dir­ect­or about my latest illus­tra­tion. The email read: 'Great illus­tra­tion Miko!'

What a Buzz!

That's Buzz #8. Here's the whole list:

  • Buzz 1: Get­ting the phone call for the com­mis­sion.
  • Buzz 2: Read­ing the art­icle and cre­at­ing ini­tial pen­cil roughs.
  • Buzz 3: Get­ting pen­cil roughs approved, clean­ing desk to clear my head, ready to begin the art­work.
  • Buzz 4: Exper­i­ment­ing with a few thumb­nails and decid­ing which illus­tra­tion style would best suit the art­icle and read­er.
  • Buzz 5: Get­ting star­ted with the 'Blank Sheet of Paper' – scary! but equally an enjoy­able chal­lenge. I make two very light diag­on­al loose pen­cil lines, sup­posedly to find the centre, but mainly because by doing so sheet of paper is no longer 'Blank!'
  • Buzz 6: Enjoy­ing the whole cre­ation, from pen­cil lay­out to fin­ished col­our, once hav­ing decided on a col­our scheme.
  • Buzz 7:  Mak­ing the decision that the illus­tra­tion is fin­ished, or the dead­line is decided for me, and send­ing the fin­ished art off.
  • Buzz 8: Receiv­ing the mes­sage, 'No changes Miko, Great illus­tra­tion!'
  • Buzz 9: Receiv­ing the cheque!
  • Buzz 10: Boy am I LUCKY!

Here are a few close ups and the full image (click any image to enlarge):

What a Buzz to have Happy Clients!

Any­thing I can do for you, to make you a Happy Cli­ent too? Get in touch!

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