Award winning Dulwich Books

It seems that my favour­ite book­shop, Dul­wich Books, is not only my favour­ite Inde­pend­ent Book­shop, it is also the favour­ite in the whole of the Great Bri­tain and Ire­land.

Own­er Sheila O'Reilly and the team, went to the The Book­seller Industry Awards of the Year earli­er this week. Luck­ily they were dressed in their best bib and tuck­er, for they were presen­ted with The Inde­pend­ent Book­shop of  the Year 2014 award for Great Bri­tain and Ire­land!

So Sheila and team, here is my con­tri­bu­tion to add to the many con­grat­u­la­tions you have already received.….

A man celebrates Dulwich Books winning Independent  Bookshop of 2014

A man cel­eb­rates Dul­wich Books win­ning Inde­pend­ent Book­shop of 2014


.…and which you thor­oughly deserve.




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