Can't Draw? Can Draw!

This post is addressed to Moms and Pops, Grans and Gramps etc etc or any­one who knows of a young eager artist who wants to learn more. Or per­haps a young eager artist with little con­fid­ence in their cre­at­ive achieve­ments.

Can't Draw? Can Draw!

Can't Draw? Can Draw!

Well looky here at what's going on at Dul­wich Books' : If you look through all the excit­ing lit­er­ary hap­pen­ing and work­shops , you'll find I am run­ning some fun, funny, Cre­at­ive Car­toon Work­shops .

Time is run­ning out, so book your spaces very soon and your walls will be adorned by ima­gin­at­ive cre­ativ­ity.

Look­ing for­ward to see­ing you there.

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