Breathe Easy Campaign Creative Concepts


I've been com­mis­sioned to cre­ate char­ac­ter and situ­ation con­cepts for the Brit­ish Lung Foundation's  'Breathe Easy' Cam­paign.

Skipping and breathing easy thanks to British Lung Foundation

Skip­ping and breath­ing easy thanks to Brit­ish Lung Found­a­tion

So my thoughts are towards fresh air and blue skies and to visu­al­ise both free­dom of breath­ing fresh air and restric­tion of breath­ing. So I used expans­ive swirls and twirls and but­ter­flies and flowers for the free easy breath­er and a much smal­ler and con­stric­ted ver­sion emit­ting from those suf­fer­ing.

I should check out this Breath Easy Campaign

I should check out this Breath Easy Cam­paign

I've added two main characters to the part finished background. Just to show the client the general finished effect

I've added two main char­ac­ters to the part fin­ished back­ground. Just to show the cli­ent the gen­er­al fin­ished effect


I feel it import­ant that I should show my char­ac­ters both with and without breath­ing dif­fi­culties. This is so that those with a prob­lem will recog­nise them­selves and be made to be aware that there is help avail­able.

This is also a per­son­al issue for me as my both my Fath­er and a Cous­in suffered from emphysema.

So thanks to the Brit­ish Lung Found­a­tion and their sturdy work.

Check out the gal­lery, show­ing both fin­ished illus­tra­tions and pen­cil roughs.

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