Miko Cartoon - Miko's Artworks Licensing

I am so happy we are linked peeps

You 'Lovely Linkedin Linker' Peeps

I was just about to just click the auto thanks reply to those lovely Peeps, when I was inter­rup­ted by a herd of Gnu crash­ing through the stu­dio. On their way, I guess, to green­er pas­tures. Mind you that's the … Con­tin­ue read­ing

The Contented Scarecrow Concerto

Any Birthdays coming up, or a bare wall that would benefit from a smile?

Well, just click around the corner and you can take a stroll around Miko's gal­ler­ies and buy his wall art and greet­ings cards. Miko-Greetings.com It's worth the walk.

I've been working on some new styles. Which do you prefer?

Any­one who knows me knows I love to exper­i­ment. For me try­ing new things is very much a part of my cre­at­ive life. Learn­ing some­thing new, try­ing and test­ing is pro­gress.     I don't stand still for long. Is that good … Con­tin­ue read­ing

Just take it one step at a time. Sensible advice for all of us.

No rush! No pan­ic! Do what you can, sit back and enjoy and when you are ready, do a little bit more. Rory Mack­en­zies' advice for garden­ers, dis­abled or not, makes a lot of sense.

A Selection from the 'Lifestyle' Archive

I always enjoy the del­ic­ate chal­lenge of illus­trat­ing Rory Mackenzie's art­icles for Life­style magazine. It is extremely dif­fi­cult to illus­trate top­ics about the dif­fer­ently abled without being offens­ive or pat­ron­ising. Well, thank good­ness, Life­style keeps on ask­ing for more… and … Con­tin­ue read­ing

I take my humourous illustrations as seriously as I do my serious illustrations

It's very odd,creating an idea and an image which make people laugh, is actu­ally taken very ser­i­ously. Not a smile comes to my little face, while I'm work­ing on what will make my audi­ence smile. This is one of my vari­ous … Con­tin­ue read­ing

Get to know your audience.....

When you work with a magazine for a while you get to know what illus­tra­tion con­tent will be accept­able to the edit­or, art dir­ect­or and read­ers. In oth­er words you get to know your audi­ence. So Rory Mackenzie's art­icle is … Con­tin­ue read­ing

I had to make a comment in support of Freedom of the Press and of Speech!

Wed­nes­day 7th Janu­ary 2015 was a shock­ing day for Par­is and Free­dom of the Press. This is my con­tri­bu­tion in sup­port.

Wishing you Guys and Guyesses a Magical Christmas and Fun and Funny New Year

For all you lovely peeps out there, all those I know and all those peeps I hope to know. Love and Peace to you, your fam­il­ies, your friends and your neigh­bours.

Two new illustrations, I'm pleased with. What do you think?

These 2 illus­tra­tions are of, yours truly, 'Moi!' Miko and my eld­er son, Toby, the pho­to­graph­er. I cre­ated them for our 'About Us' page on the brand new Miko greet­ings card and art print site.       Feel free to be … Con­tin­ue read­ing

Chris Packham and I go back a long way

Sort­ing through some old work, I happened upon this 'real­ist­ic owl illus­tra­tion' I cre­ated  for the Asda Nature Watch magazine. I didn't real­ise that our Spring­watch friend Chris Pack­ham was present­ing nature pro­grammes back in the day. I will, how­ever, always remem­ber the … Con­tin­ue read­ing

I Bring Great News, My Fine Feathered Friends

My young­est daugh­ter Zoe, with a little help from Alex, has giv­en us and the rest of the world to share, one of these: Click on Hugo to enlarge Allow me to intro­duce Hugo, born on the 1st of Novem­ber 2014 … Con­tin­ue read­ing