Privacy Policy

Wel­come to (the “Site”). We under­stand that pri­vacy online is import­ant to Vis­it­ors of our Site. To the best of our know­ledge, this Pri­vacy Policy is in com­pli­ance with the Gen­er­al Data Pro­tec­tion Reg­u­la­tion (GDPR).

Personally Identifiable Information — Definition

Per­son­ally Iden­ti­fi­able Inform­a­tion” refers to any inform­a­tion that iden­ti­fies or can be used to identi­fy, con­tact, or loc­ate the per­son to whom such inform­a­tion per­tains, includ­ing, but not lim­ited to, name, address, phone num­ber, fax num­ber, email address, fin­an­cial pro­files, and cred­it card inform­a­tion. This list does not rep­res­ent the spe­cif­ic inform­a­tion col­lec­ted on this Site, but simply lists examples of what qual­i­fies as Per­son­ally Iden­ti­fi­able. Per­son­ally Iden­ti­fi­able Inform­a­tion does not include inform­a­tion that is col­lec­ted anonym­ously (that is, without iden­ti­fic­a­tion of the indi­vidu­al user) or demo­graph­ic inform­a­tion not con­nec­ted to an iden­ti­fied indi­vidu­al.

What Personally Identifiable Information is collected?

We col­lect no Per­son­ally Iden­ti­fi­able Inform­a­tion from Vis­it­ors who do not inter­act with the Com­ment form. The Com­ment form con­tain fields that clearly identi­fy the inform­a­tion col­lec­ted.

What Non-Personally Identifiable Information is collected?

We may col­lect users’ IP addresses for secur­ity pur­poses and to ana­lyze geo­graph­ic­al reach.

What organizations are collecting the information?

Miko Car­toon uses secur­ity plu­gin soft­ware to col­lect IP addresses and oth­er rel­ev­ant inform­a­tion to allow block­ing of mali­cious Vis­it­or activ­ity. We may also use Google Ana­lyt­ics.

How does the Site use Personally Identifiable Information?

We may use Per­son­ally Iden­ti­fi­able Inform­a­tion to con­tact Vis­it­ors in response to spe­cif­ic inquir­ies, or to provide reques­ted inform­a­tion.

With whom may the information may be shared?

Per­son­ally Iden­ti­fi­able Inform­a­tion may be vis­ible to our web­site man­ager for the sole pur­pose of oper­at­ing this Site. Our web­site man­ager is held to the same strict pri­vacy policy as ourselves and does not make use of Per­son­ally Iden­ti­fi­able Inform­a­tion nor inter­act with it except as data.

How is Personally Identifiable Information stored?

Per­son­ally Iden­ti­fi­able Inform­a­tion col­lec­ted through is stored with­in the European Uni­on in our online data­base, which is pro­tec­ted from unau­thor­ized third party access by com­mer­cially reas­on­able secur­ity meas­ures.

What choices are available to users regarding collection, use and distribution of the information?

Vis­it­ors who do not wish any Per­son­ally Iden­ti­fi­able Inform­a­tion to be gathered can avoid using any of our online forms (com­ments, con­tact, regis­tra­tion, orders). In the rare instance that, to pro­tect the con­fid­en­ti­al­ity of a soli­cited com­mu­nic­a­tion, we might reply to Com­menters dir­ectly rather than by on-site reply, they may opt out of receiv­ing fur­ther inform­a­tion from us or being con­tac­ted by us, by respond­ing to any emails received.

Disclosure of Personally Identifiable Information to comply with law.

We will dis­close Per­son­ally Iden­ti­fi­able Inform­a­tion in order to com­ply with a court order or sub­poena or a request from a law enforce­ment agency to release inform­a­tion. We will also dis­close Per­son­ally Iden­ti­fi­able Inform­a­tion when reas­on­ably neces­sary to pro­tect the safety of our Vis­it­ors and Cus­tom­ers.

How does the Site keep Personally Identifiable Information secure?

Admin­is­trat­ors of the Site gain access to Cus­tom­ers’ Per­son­ally Iden­ti­fi­able Inform­a­tion using a secure login user­name and pass­word. Secur­ity soft­ware, updated on a reg­u­lar basis, provides extra pro­tec­tion against any mali­cious attempts to gain access. While we take these com­mer­cially reas­on­able meas­ures to main­tain a secure site, no online secur­ity sys­tem can be guar­an­teed 100%. Elec­tron­ic com­mu­nic­a­tions and data­bases are sub­ject to errors, tam­per­ing and break-ins, and we can­not guar­an­tee or war­rant that such events will not take place. We will not be liable to Vis­it­ors or Cus­tom­ers for any such occur­rences.

Can a Visitor delete or deactivate Personally Identifiable Information collected by the Site?

Our mech­an­ism for Com­menters to delete Per­son­ally Iden­ti­fi­able Inform­a­tion from the Site’s data­base is by con­tact­ing us by email. How­ever, because of backups and records of dele­tions, it may be impossible to delete a Commenter’s entry without retain­ing some resid­ual inform­a­tion for a cer­tain time.

Cookies — Definition

Cook­ies” are pieces of code that are gen­er­ated at the time of a user’s vis­it to the Site and stored on the user’s com­puter so the Site can veri­fy the user is still the same user. Cook­ies expire accord­ing to the sched­ule or date encoded in them or when a spe­cif­ic event occurs. For instance, a Ses­sion Cook­ie expires when the user logs out or closes the browser.

Are Cookies Used on the Site?

We use Com­menter Cook­ies to allow com­menters the con­veni­ence of hav­ing their details remembered in case they wish to post a new com­ment with­in a year of the first. We may at times use Google Ana­lyt­ics cook­ies to ana­lyze the way Vis­it­ors use our Site. How­ever, such cook­ies do not store Per­son­ally Iden­ti­fi­able Inform­a­tion.

What happens if the Privacy Policy Changes?

We will let our Vis­it­ors know about changes to our pri­vacy policy by post­ing such changes on the Site. How­ever, if we were ever to change our pri­vacy policy in a man­ner that might cause dis­clos­ure of Per­son­ally Iden­ti­fi­able Inform­a­tion, we would con­tact each Com­menter to allow them to request dele­tion to pre­vent such dis­clos­ure.

Links con­tains links to oth­er web sites. Please note that when you click on one of these links, you are mov­ing to anoth­er web site. Their pri­vacy policies may dif­fer from ours, and Miko Car­toon is not respons­ible for the policies of any linked sites.