Guess who went to 'Scaramanga Marketing' Marketing Workshop Yesterday??

Well, this lucky guy for a start.….…

The lucky guy who atten­ded Scaramanga's Work­shop

Get­ting on for 3 hours of fact find­ing, inspir­a­tion­al Mar­ket­ing on a Budget! Giv­en by Claire Scara­manga and Ruby Plen­der­leith, respect­ively Man­aging Dir­ect­or and Mar­ket­ing Exec­ut­ive of Scara­manga Mar­ket­ing.

A mena­ger­ie of 20 or so new busi­nesses gathered at The Start Up Croy­don Premises.

Tim Higham, Film maker. Thowheetha Shaah, Fam­ily Soli­cit­or and Medi­at­or. Simon de Cin­tra, help­ing presenters to con­fid­ently present etc., too many to men­tion.

We learnt about mem­or­able brand­ing and get­ting your busi­ness brand out there! Twit­ter being use­ful for up to date brief con­ver­sa­tions, Face­book for more detailed news. Drip feed­ing inform­a­tion, con­sist­ency and build­ing trust. Etc Etc Etc.

What I thought so impress­ive, was that Claire and Ruby took time out of their very busy sched­ule to share their know­ledge. Scara­manga being a very major play­er in mar­ket­ing com­pan­ies. You should see their list of cli­ents! Phew!

So my advice is to look out for their next Mar­ket­ing on a Budget Work­shop. You know it makes sense.

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